

#能力训练# 导语阅读是人们获取信息的重要手段,更是学习英语的主要途径之一。下面是 分享的英语小短文带翻译简单五篇。欢迎阅读参考!

1.英语小短文带翻译简单 篇一


Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. People who have this joy don not need to talk about it; they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as bird sings.

We can never get it by working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It is a byproduct of great, simple living. The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it.




2.英语小短文带翻译简单 篇二


People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I can't agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk. The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes. The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city. I liked this feeling so much. At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually.


3.英语小短文带翻译简单 篇三

 When the fox first saw1 the lion he was2 terribly3 frightened4. He ran5 away, andhid6 himself7 in the woods.

 The second time, however8, he came9 near the lion. He stopped at a safe distance10, and watched him pass by.

 The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight11 up to the lion, and stayed the whole12 day with him. He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would13meet again.

 They soon became good friends.





4.英语小短文带翻译简单 篇四

 There was a sturdy ram with a pair of thick horns upright on its head.

 It strutted about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.

 If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately in butting against the fence, even against the spokes of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull.

 As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat butbleat helplessly.





5.英语小短文带翻译简单 篇五

 I think smiling is as important as sunshine. Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, “But I don’t feel happy.” Then I would say, “Please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. You will really be happy again.”

 Smiling can let you have more friends.So I say, smiling is like a flower. It will give you happiness.


 我认为微笑是一样重要的像阳光。 微笑是象阳光,因为它可能使人愉快和有一个早晨好。 如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快。 某人也许说, “但是我不感到愉快”。 然后我会说, “请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友。 您真正地再将是愉快的”。

 微笑可能让您有更多朋友。如此我说,微笑是象花。 它将给您幸福。



Human Fossils Dated to 195,000 Years



Researchers determined that the specimens are around 195,000 years old.



这些智人遗骨化石是于1967年在埃塞俄比亚的奥莫河(omo)四周被发掘出来的。出土的包括一些头骨和躯干骨的化石残片。当时,科学家将这些化石称为现代智人(Homo sapiens)化石,并将其历史暂定为13万年。

日前,美国纽约Stony Brook大学的约翰·弗利格尔和他的同事通过考察化石出土地点,并利用更先进的时间测定仪器分析当地的地质结构和岩石标本,他们发现这些化石应该具有19.5万年的历史。(其中答应有5000 年的误差)



A new analysis of bones unearthed nearly 40 years ago in Ethiopia has pushed the fossil record of modern humans back to nearly 200,000 years ago perhaps close to the dawn of the species.

Researchers determined that the specimens are around 195,000 years old. Previously, the oldest known fossils of Homo sapiens were Ethiopian skulls dated to about 160,000 years ago.

Genetic studies estimate that Homo sapiens arose about 200,000 years ago, so the new research brings the fossil record more in line with that, said John Fleagle of Stony Brook University in New York, an author of the study.

The fossils were found in 1967 near the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia. One location yielded Omo I, which includes part of a skull plus skeletal bones. Another site produced Omo II, which has more of a skull but no skeletal bones. Neither specimen has a complete face.

Although Omo II shows more primitive characteristics than Omo I, scientists called both specimens Homo sapiens and assigned a tentative age of 130,000 years.

Now, after visiting the discovery sites, analyzing their geology and testing rock samples with more modern dating techniques, Fleagle and colleagues report in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature that both specimens are 195,000 years old, give or take 5,000 years.

Fleagle said the more primitive traits of Omo II may mean the two specimens came from different but overlapping Homo sapiens populations, or that they just represent natural variation within a single population.

To find the age of the skulls, the researchers determined that volcanic rock lying just below the sediment that contained the fossils was about 196,000 years old. They then found evidence that the fossil-bearing sediment was deposited soon after that time.

Paul Renne, director of the Berkeley Geochronology Center, which specializes in dating rocks, said the researchers made "a reasonably good argument" to support their dating of the fossils.

"It's more likely than not," he said, calling the work "very exciting and important."





 Many scientists, from their earlier work, know enough to make good guesses on the solutions to the problems they are working on.


 In making new discoveries, they may use trial-and-error, they may use past experience, duanwenw.com or they may try to find out what others have discovered. They may come up with new experiments and new ways of testing their results. Scientists have to train themselves to use their brains efficiently; that is, they train themselves to think.


 For example, when Thomas A. Edison was trying to make an electric lamp, he needed a substance for the filament* inside the bulb that would glow brightly without burning up quickly. He tried more than a thousand different filaments before he found one that he could use. After each trial he thought about how the new substance had behaved. He kept notes and compared results. After he had experimented for a long time, someone asked Mr. Edison if he was ever discouraged by the time they thought he had wasted. He replied, "I have not been wasting time. I have just found a thousand materials that won?t work. Now I can look for others that will." Edison?s statement is important. Above all, scientists demand to know when and where they are wrong. A good question to ask in science is not, "Am I right? "but, "Am I wrong?"


 Scientists spend many years studying and training themselves to use their brains and the tools of investigation. duanwenw.com They also use each other?s work. Isaac Newton, the famous British scientist who lived over 300 years ago, once said he saw further than others because he stood on the shoulders of giants.



 我们需要梦想We need dreams

 We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats, of reaching our fullest potential. We need dreams. They give us a vision of a better future. They nourish our spirit。


 They represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers Dreamers are not content with being merely mediocre, because no one ever dreams of going halfway.


 When we were little kids, we didn?t dream of a life of struggle and frustration. We dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. We dreamed big.


 We know now that we have to put in the effort to reach our dreams, but the tough part is that most of us don?t know where to start working. duanwenw.com We might have every intention of becoming Vice President in five years or running across the finish line in a marathon or completing the novel we started years ago. But often we have no idea how to translate these dreams into actions.


 In order to make real steps toward fulfilling our ultimate, big, splashy dreams, we have to start with concrete objective. These are our goals.




 The Ding family in the State of Song had no well of its own. someone in the family sometimes had to spend a whole day doing nothing but fetch water from a distance. To solve the trouble they had a well sunk in their courtyard.

 After the job was finished, they said to one another happily, ?It seems with the sinking of the well one more person is added to our family.?

 One of Ding?s friends heard of the remark and passed the word duanwenw.com from the friend to the friend and yet to another, until the story ran as the follow words, ?The Dings had a well sunk and found a man inside!?

 When the Duke of Song heard the tale, he sent for Ding to inquire into the matter.

 With the sinking of the well it is as if your obedient servant has had the help of a man,? explained Ding to the Duke. ?It doesn?t mean that I actually found a man in the well.?







 A Bundle of Sticks


 A man once had four sons who never stopped quarrelling with one another.


 He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely no notice of him.


 One day he decided to show them what he meant.


 He called all the sons together and put a tightly tied bundle of sticks on the floor in front of them.


 "Can you break that?" he asked the youngest son. The boy put his knee on the bundle but though he pressed and pulled with his arms he could not bend the wood.


 The father asked each son in turn to try to break the bundle, but none of them could do it .


 Then he untied the string and scattered the sticks.


 "Now try,"he said. The boys broke the sticks easily in their hands.


 "Do you see what I mean?" asked the father. "If only you stand together no one can hurt you.If you all disagree the whole time and insist on going your separate ways, the first enemy you meet will be able to destroy you.'



 The House of 1000 Mirrors


 Long ago in a *** all, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors.


 A *** all, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house.


 He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could.


 To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his.


 He *** iled a great *** ile, and was answered with 1000 great *** iles just as warm and firendly.

 他灿烂地微笑着,回报他的是 1000张热情,友好的灿烂笑脸。

 As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will e back and visit it often."


 In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house.


 He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door.


 When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him.


 As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."


 All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?



 A Young Apple Tree


 A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple he grew.


 One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it.


 The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home he did not know where to plant it.


 He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his field, his neighbors would e at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit.


 Finally he planted the tree in his wood where no one could see it. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died.


 Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place."What's the difference?" the farmer said angrily. "If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit.

 后来,朋友问农夫他为什么把树栽在那样贫瘠的地方。“那有什么不一样?”农夫生气地说, “我把苹果树栽在路边,陌生人就会偷树上的苹果。

 If I had planted the tree in one of my field, my neighbors would have e at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit."


 "Yes," said the friend, "but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!"

 “是的,”他的朋友说. “但至少可能有人来分享这些果实。现在你不仅剥夺了每个人的果实,也毁了一棵好苹果树!”



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