

1. 给我一个关于彼岸花的英语或者英语句子

How graceful the poem is! So would like to keep in file. Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have with ered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Some-thing in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down,tears surge out. Hot summer.Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of band. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind,cool and killing.Smile floating on the lemonade,soft and smooth.How I was? amazed.Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.My head spin. You led my hand,danced along the crazy theme. Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking.You stoodthere, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, centerer than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were togeth-er. Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at the Alps side.We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to ac-company your flight. Gone was the plane,I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid,you were in my heart, I shouldn't have hidden in the dark. I tried to forget your disappointment. I made be-lieve sometime someday,I would tell you, I feel all the same. My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly in-dulged in your promise of the white land --snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell! The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swal-lowed by the darkness.How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out,catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered. Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together. (TRANSLATION) 此处寒兮,彼处亦寒。

枯叶凋零兮,君当何人属欤? 君面惨淡忧郁兮,相看带笑泪眼。 君热泪盈盈复喃喃喁唧兮,别亦难。

沉落兮,泪涌似涛自难抑。 当忆酷夏兮,鸡尾酒会欢娱。

君执妾手兮,沉醉于二人世界里。 君坐妾之侧兮,髻发高束;英姿勃发兮,酷毙。

笑逐颜开兮,温润如玉。 讶君之面兮,再世吕布周郎。

心荡漾兮,手为君执;和曲起舞兮,癫狂。 灯盏相辉兮,芳雅相应;祝辞笑浪起伏兮,芸芸相送急。

君且立一旁兮,美目探妾。 妾莹灯下伫立兮,心动不已。


旧日已逝兮,如梦。 会当临于阿尔卑斯山侧兮,滑雪于雪花飞舞之穹下。

欲说还休兮,惟祈安康。 航机渐逝兮,妾心将苦。

深知妾之愚钝兮,然君已窃妾心;妾当不可漠然兮,黯然彷徨。 妾亦尝忘君兮,恐失之交臂。

信有时兮,告君心迹。 挣于忏悔兮,退缩犹豫。


然钟声忽止于急雨兮,但闻撒旦之欢声笑语。 含泪倩笑兮,吞泯于暗黑。

2. 给我一个关于彼岸花的英语或者英语句子

How graceful the poem is! So would like to keep in file. Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have with ered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Some-thing in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down,tears surge out. Hot summer.Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of band. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind,cool and killing.Smile floating on the lemonade,soft and smooth.How I was? amazed.Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.My head spin. You led my hand,danced along the crazy theme. Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking.You stoodthere, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, centerer than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were togeth-er. Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at the Alps side.We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to ac-company your flight. Gone was the plane,I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid,you were in my heart, I shouldn't have hidden in the dark. I tried to forget your disappointment. I made be-lieve sometime someday,I would tell you, I feel all the same. My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly in-dulged in your promise of the white land --snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell! The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swal-lowed by the darkness.How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out,catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered. Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together. (TRANSLATION) 此处寒兮,彼处亦寒。

枯叶凋零兮,君当何人属欤? 君面惨淡忧郁兮,相看带笑泪眼。 君热泪盈盈复喃喃喁唧兮,别亦难。

沉落兮,泪涌似涛自难抑。 当忆酷夏兮,鸡尾酒会欢娱。

君执妾手兮,沉醉于二人世界里。 君坐妾之侧兮,髻发高束;英姿勃发兮,酷毙。

笑逐颜开兮,温润如玉。 讶君之面兮,再世吕布周郎。

心荡漾兮,手为君执;和曲起舞兮,癫狂。 灯盏相辉兮,芳雅相应;祝辞笑浪起伏兮,芸芸相送急。

君且立一旁兮,美目探妾。 妾莹灯下伫立兮,心动不已。


旧日已逝兮,如梦。 会当临于阿尔卑斯山侧兮,滑雪于雪花飞舞之穹下。

欲说还休兮,惟祈安康。 航机渐逝兮,妾心将苦。

深知妾之愚钝兮,然君已窃妾心;妾当不可漠然兮,黯然彷徨。 妾亦尝忘君兮,恐失之交臂。

信有时兮,告君心迹。 挣于忏悔兮,退缩犹豫。


然钟声忽止于急雨兮,但闻撒旦之欢声笑语。 含泪倩笑兮,吞泯于暗黑。

3. 彼岸花英文


翻译2:clusteramaryllis,简称: Lycoris 释义:彼岸花的日文别名叫做"曼珠沙华",是来自于《法华经》中梵语"摩诃曼珠沙华"的音译。原意为天上之花,大红花,是天降吉兆四华(曼珠沙华、摩诃曼殊沙华、曼陀罗华、摩诃曼陀罗华)之一,典称见此花者,恶自去除。

彼岸花学名“红花石蒜”,是单子叶植物纲百合目石蒜科石蒜属植物,英文学名“Lycoris radiata”,“Lycoris”一词是来自与西腊神话中海之女神的名字,而“radita”则表示辐射状的意思,用来形容花的外型。除红色外还有白色、**等品种。

造句: 1、彼岸花,恶魔的温柔。传说中自愿投入地狱的花朵,被众魔遣回,但仍徘徊于黄泉路上,众魔不忍,遂同意让她开在此路上,给离开人界的魂们一个指引与安慰。


漂亮的彼岸花,又会有谁知道她内心深处的忧伤? 3、彼岸花是引魂之花,彼岸花是恶魔之花,彼岸花是温柔之花。 4、在网上搜到的一幅彼岸花,是殷红色的,犹如地狱红莲。


4. 彼岸花 英文

Legend, long long time ago, a city border opens full vast Man pearl sand China , is just a Faramita flower, its fragrance of a flower has one kind of magic power , can let person remember self previous existence thing. Defending the Faramita flower's is two alluring women , one is that the flower evil spirit shouts the Man pearl , one is that the leaf evil spirit shouts sand China. But they have guarded marquis several Faramita in 1000 flowers, not have met all along , do not have a leaf because of the moment blooming,will not have when having a leaf. They are being missed each other frenzied , are being caused suffering to and by this agony. One day, they finally decide to go against magical regulation seeing a secretly. The green causing an eye is setting off that brilliant red Man for 1 year pearl sand China perianth , Kaide is especially pretty and coquettish beautiful. Gods and spirits crime comes down , this is also in accordance with expectation. The Man pearl and sand China are infiltrated into a transmigration, and are cursed to be able to together forever neither, accepting a tribulation generation after generation here below. From that, Man pearl sand China also lets the other shore spend , show appreciation being to open the flower in Uranian, the multicolored form resembles the palm in praying to Heaven, in but the city also had not appeared in this. This flower is to come untied in netherworld on the way , the Man pearl and every sand China reincarnation self smelting multicolored scent of Faramita on the way being therefore likely to remember previous existence in netherworld, swear then not parting , my once falls into the transmigration cursing once again. 传说,很久很久以前,一个城市的边缘开满了大片大片的曼珠沙华,也就是彼岸花,它的花香有一种魔力,可以让人想起自己前世的事情。

守护彼岸花的是两个妖精,一个是花妖叫曼珠,一个是叶妖叫沙华。 他们守侯了几千年的彼岸花,可是从来没有见过面,因为开花的时候,就没有叶子,有叶子的时候就没有。


那一年的曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖冶美丽。 神怪罪下来,这也是意料之中的。



5. 彼岸花 英文

Legend, long long time ago, a city border opens full vast Man pearl sand China , is just a Faramita flower, its fragrance of a flower has one kind of magic power , can let person remember self previous existence thing. Defending the Faramita flower's is two alluring women , one is that the flower evil spirit shouts the Man pearl , one is that the leaf evil spirit shouts sand China. But they have guarded marquis several Faramita in 1000 flowers, not have met all along , do not have a leaf because of the moment blooming,will not have when having a leaf. They are being missed each other frenzied , are being caused suffering to and by this agony. One day, they finally decide to go against magical regulation seeing a secretly. The green causing an eye is setting off that brilliant red Man for 1 year pearl sand China perianth , Kaide is especially pretty and coquettish beautiful. Gods and spirits crime comes down , this is also in accordance with expectation. The Man pearl and sand China are infiltrated into a transmigration, and are cursed to be able to together forever neither, accepting a tribulation generation after generation here below. From that, Man pearl sand China also lets the other shore spend , show appreciation being to open the flower in Uranian, the multicolored form resembles the palm in praying to Heaven, in but the city also had not appeared in this. This flower is to come untied in netherworld on the way , the Man pearl and every sand China reincarnation self smelting multicolored scent of Faramita on the way being therefore likely to remember previous existence in netherworld, swear then not parting , my once falls into the transmigration cursing once again. 传说,很久很久以前,一个城e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333262353937市的边缘开满了大片大片的曼珠沙华,也就是彼岸花,它的花香有一种魔力,可以让人想起自己前世的事情。

守护彼岸花的是两个妖精,一个是花妖叫曼珠,一个是叶妖叫沙华。 他们守侯了几千年的彼岸花,可是从来没有见过面,因为开花的时候,就没有叶子,有叶子的时候就没有。


那一年的曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖冶美丽。 神怪罪下来,这也是意料之中的。



6. 翻译句子 彼岸花开开彼岸










今生的水,前世的茶,用今生的水来泡一杯前世的茶, 透明玻璃杯里,沉淀的是前世的情,沸腾的是今生的爱,这个味道就叫缘份。





























The other shore flower, also known as manzhusha Hua. The big red flowers are as red as blood. Beautiful other shore flower, who knows her deep sorrow?


This kind of flower is really beautiful. It's incomparably gorgeous and poisonous. It looks like it's alive, but it's very sad. It feels very similar to Epiphyllum. It's not blessed. Just as some feelings are not blessed, though they are beautiful.


Manzhushahua, which means flowers in the sky. It blooms in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, longer than summer, but in autumn it bears flowers. It is also called "the other shore" because of the alternate seasons of spring and autumn, so it is also called the other shore flower, also called Tianya flower, shezihua.


When our soul has this kind of beautiful emotion, the flower of life will sprout quietly on the other side. Flowers bloom in our eyes, in fact, rooted in our hearts, the faint fragrance slowly exudes, gently moistening our hearts, suddenly looking back, we will find that the original beautiful angel has been standing on the branches of life *** iling, looking at the other side of our hearts how bright flowers bloom...


This kind of flower is really beautiful. It's incomparably gorgeous and poisonous. It looks like it's alive, but it's very sad. It feels very similar to Epiphyllum. It's not blessed. Just as some feelings are not blessed, though they are beautiful.


The other flower, the devil's tenderness. According to the legend, the flowers voluntarily put into hell were sent back by the demons, but they still lingered on the road of the yellow spring. The demons couldn't bear it, so they agreed to let her drive on this road to give the souls who left the human world a guide and comfort.


Manzhushahua, which means flowers in the sky. It blooms in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, longer than summer, but in autumn it bears flowers. It is also called "the other shore" because of the alternate seasons of spring and autumn, so it is also called the other shore flower, also called Tianya flower, shezihua.


In my imagination, the flower on the other side should have been such a cold color. That kind of ice blue is transparent, just like pure ice blue immersed in ice spring. This reminds me of the legend of the flower on the other side: it is said that this flower is the leading flower on the other side of the river in the herworld.


When the other side of the flower blooms, it is only a group of fiery red; when the flower blooms without leaves, the leaves grow without flowers; when we cherish each other but cannot meet each other, we are alone on the other side of the road. The flower on the other side always blooms leisurely on the other side, and the heart on the other side only lingers on the other side.


On the other side of the flower - manzhusha Hua, big red flowers sad flowers. Higanbana. Open the other side, only see flowers, not leaves. In autumn, the flowers that are almost red and black are blooming. The whole other flower looks like a startling red, like fire, like blood, like tea. The flower of soul - the other shore flower. The other flower, the devil's tenderness. Let her drive on this road, this yellow spring road, give the souls who leave the human world a guide and comfort.


On the other side of the flower - manzhusha Hua, big red flowers sad flowers. Higanbana. Open the other side, only see flowers, not leaves. In autumn, the flowers that are almost red and black are blooming. The whole other flower looks like a startling red, like fire, like blood, like tea. The flower of soul - the other shore flower. The other flower, the devil's tenderness. Let her drive on this road, this yellow spring road, give the souls who leave the human world a guide and comfort.


Manzhushahua, which means flowers in the sky. It blooms in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, longer than summer, but in autumn it bears flowers. It is also called "the other shore" because of the alternate seasons of spring and autumn, so it is also called the other shore flower, also called Tianya flower, shezihua.


A picture of the other shore flower found on the Inter is Yinhong, just like the red lotus in hell.


On the other side of the flower night blooming crabapple Kyoto Lanshan all over the sky red leaves by spring snow point makeup of the cherry blossom branch. It's all beautiful and sad.


Flowers are like claws. Bulbous, like onion leaves cluster, slender tip, like garlic leaves, fleshy green with white powder; calyx solitary, terminal umbel. At the turn of summer and autumn, the flower stems burst out of the earth, the umbels are terminal, there are flowers to flowers, red and strange (in addition to red and white varieties), and the petals roll back like dragon claws. First flowering leaves, leaves do not fall in winter, summer leaves fall dormant. Due to the fact that flowers and leaves can't meet, Lycoris is also known as "the flower without feelings and righteousness".


The flower of soul - the flower of the other side, also known as the flower of the other side, is only the flower of the other side of the river in the three ways of the underworld. Flowers are as gorgeous and bright red as blood, with flowers and no leaves. They are the only flowers in the underworld and the only scenery on the road of the yellow spring. Its beauty is the ominous beauty of death and separation. Because of its red like fire, it is also known as the "fire illuminated road" and the only scenery and color on the long yellow spring road.


There are two completely different kinds of flowers on the other side of the world, one grows on the other side and the other grows on the Bank of the river. From then on, flowers on the other side of the river opened. When people die, they will walk on it all the way to the bridge, and when they *** ell the flowers, they will think of themselves in their previous lives. The red of that place, like blood, is beautiful and charming.


The other side of the flower, the other side of the flower, the leaves can not be seen when it is opened, the flowers and the leaves can not be seen when there are leaves, the flowers and the leaves can not meet each other, life and life are wrong! Never meet! There are white other side flowers, also known as Mandala, whose flower language is "I only think of you" and red mangzhusha Hua. The flower language is "sad memories".


There are two completely different kinds of flowers on the other side of the world, one grows on the other side and the other grows on the Bank of the river. From then on, flowers on the other side of the river opened. When people die, they will walk on it all the way to the bridge, and when they *** ell the flowers, they will think of themselves in their previous lives. The red of that place, like blood, is beautiful and charming.


The other flower, the devil's tenderness. According to the legend, the flowers voluntarily put into hell were sent back by the demons, but they still lingered on the road of the yellow spring. The demons couldn't bear it, so they agreed to let her drive on this road to give the souls who left the human world a guide and comfort.


The beauty of manzhushahua is the ominous beauty of the death and separation of monstrous disasters. Either because its deep, bright red color reminds people of blood, or because its bulb is highly toxic. In general literary works, its image is usually associated with the concept of "crazy bloody".


When our soul has this kind of beautiful emotion, the flower of life will sprout quietly on the other side. Flowers bloom in our eyes, in fact, rooted in our hearts, the faint fragrance slowly exudes, gently moistening our hearts, suddenly looking back, we will find that the original beautiful angel has been standing on the branches of life *** iling, looking at the other side of our hearts how bright flowers bloom...


This kind of flower is really beautiful. It's incomparably gorgeous and poisonous. It looks like it's alive, but it's very sad. It feels very similar to Epiphyllum. It's not blessed. Just as some feelings are not blessed, though they are beautiful.


The beauty of manzhushahua is the ominous beauty of the death and separation of monstrous disasters. Either because its deep, bright red color reminds people of blood, or because its bulb is highly toxic. In general literary works, its image is usually associated with the concept of "crazy bloody".


I like the name, quiet and ethereal, only in the other side of the flower. And her other name, manzhushahua, is too gorgeous, despairing and enchanting, with more worldliness and less nothingness on the other side.


When the other side of the flower blooms, it is only a group of fiery red; when the flower blooms without leaves, the leaves grow without flowers; when we cherish each other but cannot meet each other, we are alone on the other side of the road. The flower on the other side always blooms leisurely on the other side, and the heart on the other side only lingers on the other side.


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