



 1. dog [dg] 狗

 2. cat [kt] 猫

 3. panda ['pnd] 熊猫

 4. elephant['elifnt] 大象

 5. tiger ['taig] 老虎

 6. lion ['lain]狮子

 7. monkey ['mki] 猴子

 8. gorilla [ɡ'ril] 大猩猩

 9. glede [ɡli:d]老鹰

 10. kangaroo [,kg'ru:] 袋鼠

 11. koala [ku'ɑ:l] 考拉

 12. dolphin ['dlfin] 海豚

 13. snake [sneik] 蛇

 14. goldfish['ɡuldfi]金鱼

 15. shark [ɑ:k] 鲨鱼.

 16. duck /d?k/ 鸭

 17. chicken /tk?n/鸡

 18. cow /ka?/母牛

 19. cattle /k?tl/牛

 20. sheep /?ip/羊

 21. goose /ɡus/鹅

 22. horse /h?rs/马

 23. wolf /w?lf/狼

 24. fish /f/鱼

 25. bird /b?d/鸟

 26. pig /p?ɡ/猪


 1. Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.


 2. With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.


 3. As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself.


 4. The policeman smiled at her. "Pretty dog."? "Oh well, thank you."


 5. You left the latch off the gate and the dog escaped.


 6. This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog.

 用这种 方法 控制你的狗不起作用。

 7. Andrew went rigid when he saw a dog, any dog, anywhere.


 8. The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road.


 9. The whole place was a bit of a dog's dinner, really.


 10. Any dog bite, no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention.


 11. The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.


 12. The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name.


 13. He let down the tailgate so the dog could jump out.


 14. He picked the dog up by the scruff of the neck.


 15. Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately.



 1. I'm afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner.


 2. "A talking pig!" he exclaimed. "Well, I'll be darned."


 3. I am not sure whether this was courage or pig-headedness.


 4. The pig rose squealing and bolted.


 5. Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig.


 6. You greedy pig! You've already had two helpings!


 7. I hate working for that male chauvinist pig Steve.


 8. He butchered the pig with a small sharp knife.


 9. The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.


 10. He is one of the outstanding pig - breeders of the commune.


 11. Pig - breeding not only improves the people's diet; it makes more manure available.

 养猪不独可以改善人民生活, 还能多积肥料.

 12. They made sorghum into pig feed.


 13. He can be intransigent and pig - headed at times.


 14. Every part of the pig is useful.


 15. Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon.





3、翠花不太脆:AKA BO Peep,一位兼具流量与实力的年轻rapper。她的词作犀利,在看似平实的讲述中,道出对各种现实乱象的见解:《愚公》让大家记住了扶贫工程的艰巨与价值,《瘾》批判毒品之害,《巴士森林》不乏对工业时代的思考,《打鬼》直指校园款等。





 dolphin is my favourite animal.

 it is one of the most precious animals. their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). dolphins live in the sea. they live on fish, shrimps and so on.

 dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. they never attack people. instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. how helpful the dolphins are!

 dolphins are very clever. people often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

 unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. many people make money by hunting dolphins. if we don?t protect them, maybe we?ll lose our good friends one day. as a student, i hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.


 A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

 Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food.

 During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.






 Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus. They made me think of my pet from childhood. When I was little, we had an owl at home. It was small, gray, and had two big eyes. We liked it very much. Every time I went home, it greeted me by making ?goo-goo? sounds. We always played with it and talked to it. It would blink its eyes just like it understood what we were saying. It was like my best friend. But when the weather became colder, we forgot to keep it warm, and it died. It made us sad for a long time, and it also taught me how important it is to take care of animals.


 my favourite animal

 my favourite animal is tortoise. tortoise walk not fast. but i like the tortoise. why? because, tortoise is a cute animal. it have a short tail and a four short foot. it have a little head and a hard shell. they are forty-five little and cute tortoise in my home. they like to play in the water. when they afraid some thing. they wall run fast. they like to eat the fish. i often buy some small fish to them to eat. they can catch the fish fast. first, they fake(假) sleep. when the fish swim near they mouth. they catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. so, the fish die. they can eat the fish. in winter. they like to sleep in the sand. when they sleep, they don?t eat any food.because they wall hibernation. but, when they are thirsty. they come out of the sand. so, we must give water to them to drink.

 i love the tortoise. i hate the eagle. because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.my favourite animal is tortoise.


 Dogs belong to the canine.

 When a dog follows its nose, it's actually being led by thee key senses. Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree. Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but it's also how canines make their long distance calls. Smell: this tells a dog more than all the other senses put together.

 Inside its nose are around two hundred million smell sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans. Through them the dog's brain can pick up signals from one molecule of scent in a million. It gives the dog: a completely different picture of the world, based on what it smells, rather than what it sees.

 Flowers are irrelevant to a dog. So their scent is meaningless. But food is a serious matter. What to us is an empty plate, is covered with the smell of chicken to a hungry dog.






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