




Greet National Day, my blood, full of excitement. Our day is strong, our generation should have lofty ideals for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as a successor, do have ideals, morality, culture and discipline of the new generation, let the flag generations inherit, and strive for the construction of socialism with China characteristics.


The Yellow River Yangtze River Pentium, that is china! Ancient writing poetry has a long history, it is China be handed down from age to age! Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the vast basin of Xinjiang, it is china!


Inadvertently saw the playground on the flag waving in the wind, the five-star red flag, in the leaves of the background is particularly bright. When I see the flag down, my heart was kind of respect, pride and responsibility to let me be calm.


A nation to the world, we must self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, China is the world's model! I'm proud to be a chinese! Looking forward to the future, on behalf of the baton is to rely on us to pass on, we have to study hard, to make contributions to the motherland, the motherland in the world in front of the most!


When I was young, my motherland was engraved in my heart, one of the stories about the Chinese hero, a beautiful fairy tale about China, my heart will hook up, with the history of the ups and downs.



1. Time flies.


2. A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.


3. Knowledge is power.


4. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.


5. Time tries truth.


6. Punctuality is the soul of business.


7. All time is no time when it is past.


8. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.


9. When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you.


10. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.


11. Doubt is the key of knowledge.


12. Tomorrow comes never.


13. If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.


14. It is good to learn at another man's cost.


15. To save time is to lengthen life.


16. Practice makes perfect.


17. One today is worth two tomorrows.


18. Procrastination is the thief of time.


19. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


20. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.


21. Wisdom is more to be envied than riches.


#三年级# 导语做英语手抄报是提高英语能力的一种学习方法,手抄报的特性决定学生在做相关时,必须去主动查看一些课本上没有的东西,这样就变相的拓展学生的眼界了,不妨一试哦!以下是 考 网整理的《小学三年级英语手抄报文字内容》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


 Unit 1

 Myself 我自己 new 新的;新来的 name 名字 class 班;班级

 Ms 女士 Mr 先生 old (指年龄)……岁的 school 学校

 phone 电话 number 号码 primary school 小学

 Unit 2

 body 身体 head 头 hair 头发 finger 手指 neck 脖子

 feet 脚(复数) monster 妖怪 hurt 受伤 toe 脚趾 mater 事情

 bad 不好的 feel感觉

 Unit 3

 food 食物 fridge 冰箱 beef 牛肉 mantou 馒头 bread 面包 sausage 香肠 meatball 肉丸子 pancake 煎饼 sandwich 三明治

 tomato 西红柿 potato 土豆 carrot 胡萝卜 some 一些

 Unit 5

 pet 宠物 turtle 乌龟 parrot 鹦鹉 dog 狗 cat 猫

 goldfish 金鱼 monkey 猴子 rabbit 兔子 chicken 小鸡

 tail 尾巴 smart 聪明的 cute 漂亮的

 catch a mouse(猫)捉老鼠 wag its tail (狗)摇尾巴

 Unit 6

 clothes 服装 cap 帽子 scarf 围巾 vest 背心

 gloves 手套(复数) jeans 牛仔裤 sneakers 运动鞋(复数) wear 穿

 Unit 7

 birthday 生日 January 一月 February 二月 March 三月

 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月

 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December十二月 


 Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air.

 It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues.

 During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home in the village.

 I usually go there bur in the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city.

 I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet of the villagers.




 主语在句首,am is are 跟在后,






 What用途广,要问“什么”它当先。(What's this?)

 How开头来“问安”。(How are you?)

 Who 问“谁”。(Who's that man?)

 “谁的”Whose来承担。(Whose eraser is this?)

 询问“某地”用Where。(Where is her cat?)

 “哪一个”which句首站。(which one?)









 1. Hello, … 你好。

 2. Hi, … 喂,你好。

 3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。

 4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?

 5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。

 6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。

 7. Welcome back to school. 欢迎回到学校来。

 8. Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校来。

 9. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

 10. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么?

 11. Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?

 12. My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫…

 13. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…**/先生/女士。

 14. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。

 15. Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。

 16. How do you do? 你好。

 17. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。

 18. Goodbye. 再见 19. Good night. 晚安。

 20. How old is he? 他多大了?

 21. Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。

 22. You’re welcome. 不用谢。

 23. That’s all right. 没关系。

 24. I’m sorry. 对不起。

 25. Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。

 26. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。

 27. Come in, please. 请进。

 28. Have some bananas, please. 请吃些香蕉。

 29. It’s time for the cakes. 该吃些蛋糕了。

 30. May I come in? 我可以进来吗?


 Today's society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem. Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.


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