《自然》(20230323出版)一周论文导读(《自然》杂志 150 周年版)

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Nature, 23 March 2023, VOL 615, ISSUE 7953



A helium-burning white dwarf binary as a supersoft X-ray source


▲ 作者:J. Greiner, C. Maitra, F. Haberl, R. Willer, J. M. Burgess, N. Langer, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Type Ia supernovae are cosmic distance indicators, and the main source of iron in the Universe, but their formation paths are still debated. Several dozen supersoft X-ray sources, in which a white dwarf accretes hydrogen-rich matter from a non-degenerate donor star, have been observed and suggested as Type Ia supernovae progenitors. However, observational evidence for hydrogen, which is expected to be stripped off the donor star during the supernova explosion, is lacking. Helium-accreting white dwarfs, which would circumvent this problem, have been predicted for more than 30 years, including their earance as supersoft X-ray sources, but have so far escaped detection. Here we report a supersoft X-ray source with an accretion disk whose optical spectrum is completely dominated by helium, suggesting that the donor star is hydrogen-free. We interpret the luminous and supersoft X-rays as resulting from helium burning near the surface of the accreting white dwarf. The properties of our system provide evidence for extended pathways towards Chandrasekhar-mass explosions based on helium accretion, in particular for stable burning in white dwarfs at lower accretion rates than expected so far. This may allow us to recover the population of the sub-energetic so-called Type Iax supernovae, up to 30% of all Type Ia supernovae, within this scenario.


Diode effect in Josephson junctions with a single magnetic atom


▲ 作者:Martina Trahms, Larissa Melischek, Jacob F. Steiner, Bharti Mahendru, Idan Tamir, Nils Bogdanoff, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Current flow in electronic devices can be asymmetric with bias direction, a phenomenon underlying the utility of diodes and known as non-reciprocal charge transport. The promise of dissipationless electronics has recently stimulated the quest for superconducting diodes, and non-reciprocal superconducting devices have been realized in various non-centrosymmetric systems. Here we investigate the ultimate limits of miniaturization by creating atomic-scale Pb–Pb Josephson junctions in a scanning tunnelling microscope. Pristine junctions stabilized by a single Pb atom exhibit hysteretic behaviour, confirming the high quality of the junctions, but no asymmetry between the bias directions. Non-reciprocal supercurrents emerge when inserting a single magnetic atom into the junction, with the preferred direction depending on the atomic species. Aided by theoretical modelling, we trace the non-reciprocity to quasiparticle currents flowing by means of electron–hole asymmetric Yu–Shiba–Rusinov states inside the superconducting energy gap and identify a new mechanism for diode behaviour in Josephson junctions. Our results open new avenues for creating atomic-scale Josephson diodes and tuning their properties through single-atom manipulation.

信息科学Information Science

Dense reinforcement learning for safety validation of autonomous vehicles


▲ 作者:Shuo Feng, Haowei Sun, Xintao Yan, Haojie Zhu, Zhengxia Zou, Shengyin Shen, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

One critical bottleneck that impedes the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles is the prohibitively high economic and time costs required to validate their safety in a naturalistic driving environment, owing to the rarity of safety-critical events. Here we report the development of an intelligent testing environment, where artificial-intelligence-based background agents are trained to validate the safety performances of autonomous vehicles in an accelerated mode, without loss of unbiasedness. From naturalistic driving data, the background agents learn what adversarial manoeuvre to execute through a dense deep-reinforcement-learning (D2RL) roach, in which Markov decision processes are edited by removing non-safety-critical states and reconnecting critical ones so that the information in the training data is densified. D2RL enables neural networks to learn from densified information with safety-critical events and achieves tasks that are intractable for traditional deep-reinforcement-learning roaches. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our roach by testing a highly automated vehicle in both highway and urban test tracks with an augmented-reality environment, combining simulated background vehicles with physical road infrastructure and a real autonomous test vehicle. Our results show that the D2RL-trained agents can accelerate the evaluation process by multiple orders of magnitude (103 to 105times faster). In addition, D2RL will enable accelerated testing and training with other safety-critical autonomous systems.


Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of cannabinoids and menthol from neral


▲ 作者:Joyce A. A. Grimm, Hui Zhou, Roberta Properzi, Markus Leutzsch, Giovanni Bistoni, Johanna Nienhaus, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

The selective conversion of natural or synthetic neral to (1R,6S)-trans-isopiperitenol would enable and expedite sustainable routes to menthol and cannabinoids. However, this reaction has been considered impossible because its product is more reactive to the required acid catalysts than its starting material, resulting in several side products. We now show that an unsymmetric, strong and confined chiral acid, a highly fluorinated imino-imidodiphosphate, catalyses this process with excellent efficiency and selectivity. Expanding the method to other α,β-unsaturated aldehydes could enable access to new cannabinoids and menthol derivatives not readily accessible previously. Mechanistic studies suggest that the confined catalyst accomplishes this reaction by binding the product in an unreactive conformation, thereby preventing its decomposition. We also show how (1R,6S)-trans-isopiperitenol can be readily converted to pharmaceutically useful cannabinoids and menthol, each in the shortest and most atom-economic routes so far.

地球科学Earth Science

Basin-scale reconstruction of euxinia and Late Devonian mass extinctions


▲ 作者:Swapan K. Sahoo, Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau, Kathleen Wilson, Bruce Hart, Ben D. Barnes, Tytrice Faison, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

The Devonian–Carboniferous transition marks a fundamental shift in the surface environment primarily related to changes in ocean–atmosphere oxidation states, resulting from the continued proliferation of vascular land plants that stimulated the hydrological cycle and continental weathering, glacioeustasy, eutrophication and anoxic expansion in epicontinental seas, and mass extinction events. Here we present a comprehensive spatial and temporal compilation of geochemical data from 90 cores across the entire Bakken Shale (Williston Basin, North America). Our dataset allows for the detailed documentation of stepwise transgressions of toxic euxinic waters into the shallow oceans that drove a series of Late Devonian extinction events. Other Phanerozoic extinctions have also been related to the expansion of shallow-water euxinia, indicating that hydrogen sulfide toxicity was a key driver of Phanerozoic biodiversity.

Core origin of seismic velocity anomalies at Earth’s core–mantle boundary


▲ 作者:Suyu Fu, Stella Chariton, Vitali B. Prakapenka & Sang-Heon Shim

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研究组报道了在125 GPa和3700 K的氢气存在下,通过激光加热的金刚石压砧从Fe-9wt %Si熔体中观察到B2 FeSi结晶。氢极大地增加了B2晶体中Si的浓度,使Si:Fe摩尔比达到≈1,而Si大部分保留在共存的Fe液中。


最外层地核H促进的B2 FeSi沉淀为CMB的两类异常提供了单一地核驱动来源。这种情况也可用于解释,与沉淀物平衡的物质通过与ULVZ相连的地幔羽流被夹带到最上面地幔后,海洋岛屿玄武岩中的类核钨同位素特征。

▲ Abstract:

Seismic studies have found fine-scale anomalies at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), such as ultralow velocity zones (ULVZs) and the core rigidity zone. ULVZs have been attributed to mantle-related processes, but little is known about a possible core origin. The precipitation of light elements in the outer core has been proposed to explain the core rigidity zone, but it remains unclear what processes can lead to such precipitation. Despite its importance for the outer core, the melting behaviour of Fe–Si–H at relevant pressure–temperature conditions is not well understood. Here we report observations of the crystallization of B2 FeSi from Fe–9wt%Si melted in the presence of hydrogen up to 125 GPa and 3,700 K by using laser-heated diamond anvil cells. Hydrogen dramatically increases the Si concentration in the B2 crystals to a molar ratio of Si:Fe ≈ 1, whereas it mostly remains in the coexisting Fe liquid. The high Si content in the B2 phase makes it stable in a solid form at the outermost core temperatures and less dense than the surrounding liquids. Consequently, the Si-rich crystallites could form, float and be sedimented to the underside of the CMB interface, and that well explains the core side rigidity anomalies. If a small amount of the FeSi crystals can be incorporated into the mantle, they would form dense low-velocity structures above the CMB, which may account for some ULVZs. The B2 FeSi precipitation promoted by H in the outermost core provides a single core-driven origin for two types of anomalies at the CMB. Such a scenario could also explain the core-like tungsten isotope signatures in ocean island basalts, after the materials equilibrated with the precipitates are entrained to the uppermost mantle by the mantle plumes connected to ULVZs.

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