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Nature, 19 January 2023, VOL 613, ISSUE 7944



Stellar initial mass function varies with metallicity and time


▲ 作者:Jiadong Li, Chao Liu, Zhi-Yu Zhang, Hao Tian, Xiaoting Fu, Jiao Li, et al.

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▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract:

Most structural and evolutionary properties of galaxies strongly rely on the stellar initial mass function (IMF), namely the distribution of the stellar mass formed in each episode of star formation. The IMF shapes the stellar population in all stellar systems, and so has become one of the most fundamental concepts of modern astronomy. Both constant and variable IMFs across different environments have been claimed despite a large number of theoretical and observational efforts. However, the measurement of the IMF in Galactic stellar populations has been limited by the relatively small number of photometrically observed stars, leading to high uncertainties. Here we report a star-counting result based on roximately 93,000 spectroscopically observed M-dwarf stars, an order of magnitude more than previous studies, in the 100–300 parsec solar neighbourhood. We find unambiguous evidence of a variable IMF that depends on both metallicity and stellar age. Specifically, the stellar population formed at early times contains fewer low-mass stars compared with the canonical IMF, independent of stellar metallicities. In more recent times, however, the proportion of low-mass stars increases with stellar metallicity. The variable abundance of low-mass stars in our Milky Way establishes a powerful benchmark for models of star formation and can heavily affect results in Galactic chemical-enrichment modelling, mass estimation of galaxies and planet-formation efficiency.


Observation of intrinsic chiral bound states in the continuum


▲ 作者:Yang Chen, Huachun Deng, Xinbo Sha, Weijin Chen, Ruize Wang, Yu-Hang Chen, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Photons with spin angular momentum possess intrinsic chirality, which underpins many phenomena including nonlinear optics, quantum optics, topological photonics and chiroptics. Intrinsic chirality is weak in natural materials, and recent theoretical proposals aimed to enlarge circular dichroism by resonant metasurfaces supporting bound states in the continuum that enhance substantially chiral light–matter interactions. Those insightful works resort to three-dimensional sophisticated geometries, which are too challenging to be realized for optical frequencies. Therefore, most of the experimental attempts showing strong circular dichroism rely on false/extrinsic chirality by using either oblique incidence or structural anisotropy. Here we report on the experimental realization of true/intrinsic chiral response with resonant metasurfaces in which the engineered slant geometry breaks both in-plane and out-of-plane symmetries. Our result marks, to our knowledge, the first observation of intrinsic chiral bound states in the continuum with near-unity circular dichroism of 0.93 and a high quality factor exceeding 2,663 for visible frequencies. Our chiral metasurfaces may lead to a plethora of lications in chiral light sources and detectors, chiral sensing, valleytronics and asymmetric photocatalysis.

材料科学Materials Science

Vertical organic electrochemical transistors for complementary circuits


▲ 作者:Wei Huang, Jianhua Chen, Yao Yao, Ding Zheng, Xudong Ji, Liang-Wen Feng, et al.

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▲ 摘要:

有机电化学晶体管(OECTs)和基于OECT的电路因其极低的驱动电压(<1 V)、低功耗(<1 µW)、高跨导(>10 mS)和生物相容性等优势,在生物电子、可穿戴电子器件和人工神经态电子器件方面具有巨大潜力。



该研究首次在垂直堆叠互补垂直OECT逻辑电路中实现了低于±0.7 V时超过1 kAcm−2的足迹电流密度、0.2~0.4 S的跨导、快于1 ms的短瞬态时间和超过50000次循环的超稳定切换。这种架构为纳米级受限空间中有机半导体氧化还原化学和物理学的基础研究以及可穿戴和可植入设备的应用提供了诸多可能性,而无需宏观电解质接触。

▲ Abstract:

Organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) and OECT-based circuitry offer great potential in bioelectronics, wearable electronics and artificial neuromorphic electronics because of their exceptionally low driving voltages (<1 V), low power consumption (<1 µW), high transconductances (>10 mS) and biocompatibility. However, the successful realization of critical complementary logic OECTs is currently limited by temporal and/or operational instability, slow redox processes and/or switching, incompatibility with high-density monolithic integration and inferior n-type OECT performance. Here we demonstrate p- and n-type vertical OECTs with balanced and ultra-high performance by blending redox-active semiconducting polymers with a redox-inactive photocurable and/or photopatternable polymer to form an ion-permeable semiconducting channel, implemented in a simple, scalable vertical architecture that has a dense, impermeable top contact. Footprint current densities exceeding 1 kAcm−2at less than ±0.7 V, transconductances of 0.2–0.4 S, short transient times of less than 1 ms and ultra-stable switching (>50,000 cycles) are achieved in, to our knowledge, the first vertically stacked complementary vertical OECT logic circuits. This architecture opens many possibilities for fundamental studies of organic semiconductor redox chemistry and physics in nanoscopically confined spaces, without macroscopic electrolyte contact, as well as wearable and implantable device lications.

地球科学Earth Science

Modern temperatures in central–north Greenland warmest in past millennium


▲ 作者:M. Hörhold, T. Münch, S. Weißbach, S. Kipfstuhl, J. Freitag, I. Sasgen, et al.

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▲ 摘要:


通过系统地重新钻取冰芯,研究组对公元1000年至2011年格陵兰岛中北部进行了高质量温度重建。他们表明,最近重建的十年变暖实质上超出了过去千年工业化前的温度变化范围(P < 0.001),平均比20世纪高出1.5±0.4℃(1个标准差)。


▲ Abstract:

The Greenland Ice Sheet has a central role in the global climate system owing to its size, radiative effects and freshwater storage, and as a potential tipping point. Weather stations show that the coastal regions are warming, but the imprint of global warming in the central part of the ice sheet is unclear, owing to missing long-term observations. Current ice-core-based temperature reconstructions are ambiguous with respect to isolating global warming signatures from natural variability, because they are too noisy and do not include the most recent decades. By systematically redrilling ice cores, we created a high-quality reconstruction of central and north Greenland temperatures from AD 1000 until 2011. Here we show that the warming in the recent reconstructed decade exceeds the range of the pre-industrial temperature variability in the past millennium with virtual certainty (P < 0.001) and is on average 1.5 ± 0.4 degrees Celsius (1 standard error) warmer than the twentieth century. Our findings suggest that these exceptional temperatures arise from the superposition of natural variability with a long-term warming trend, arent since AD 1800. The disproportionate warming is accompanied by enhanced Greenland meltwater run-off, implying that anthropogenic influence has also arrived in central and north Greenland, which might further accelerate the overall Greenland mass loss.

River ecosystem metabolism and carbon biogeochemistry in a changing world


▲ 作者:Tom J. Battin, Ronny Lauerwald, Emily S. Bernhardt, Enrico Bertuzzo, Lluís Gómez Gener, Robert O. Hall Jr, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

River networks represent the largest biogeochemical nexus between the continents, ocean and atmosphere. Our current understanding of the role of rivers in the global carbon cycle remains limited, which makes it difficult to predict how global change may alter the timing and spatial distribution of riverine carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. Here we review the state of river ecosystem metabolism research and synthesize the current best available estimates of river ecosystem metabolism. We quantify the organic and inorganic carbon flux from land to global rivers and show that their net ecosystem production and carbon dioxide emissions shift the organic to inorganic carbon balance en route from land to the coastal ocean. Furthermore, we discuss how global change may affect river ecosystem metabolism and related carbon fluxes and identify research directions that can help to develop better predictions of the effects of global change on riverine ecosystem processes. We argue that a global river observing system will play a key role in understanding river networks and their future evolution in the context of the global carbon budget.


Financial incentives for vaccination do not have negative unintended consequences


▲ 作者:Florian H. Schneider, Pol Campos-Mercade, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, Erik Wengström & Armando N. Meier

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▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract:

Financial incentives to encourage healthy and prosocial behaviours often trigger initial behavioural change, but a large academic literature warns against using them. Critics warn that financial incentives can crowd out prosocial motivations and reduce perceived safety and trust, thereby reducing healthy behaviours when no payments are offered and eroding morals more generally. Here we report findings from a large-scale, pre-registered study in Sweden that causally measures the unintended consequences of offering financial incentives for taking the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. We use a unique combination of random exposure to financial incentives, population-wide administrative vaccination records and rich survey data. We find no negative consequences of financial incentives; we can reject even small negative impacts of offering financial incentives on future vaccination uptake, morals, trust and perceived safety. In a complementary study, we find that informing US residents about the existence of state incentive programmes also has no negative consequences. Our findings inform not only the academic debate on financial incentives for behaviour change but also policy-makers who consider using financial incentives to change behaviour.

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