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Nature, 2 March 2023, VOL 615, ISSUE 795



A shared accretion instability for black holes and neutron stars


▲ 作者:F. M. Vincentelli, J. Neilsen, A. J. Tetarenko, Y. Cavecchi, N. Castro Segura, S. del Palacio, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Accretion disks around compact objects are expected to enter an unstable phase at high luminosity. One instability may occur when the radiation pressure generated by accretion modifies the disk viscosity, resulting in the cyclic depletion and refilling of the inner disk on short timescales. Such a scenario, however, has only been quantitatively verified for a single stellar-mass black hole. Although there are hints of these cycles in a few isolated cases, their arent absence in the variable emission of most bright accreting neutron stars and black holes has been a continuing puzzle. Here we report the presence of the same multiwavelength instability around an accreting neutron star. Moreover, we show that the variability across the electromagnetic spectrum—from radio to X-ray—of both black holes and neutron stars at high accretion rates can be explained consistently if the accretion disks are unstable, producing relativistic ejections during transitions that deplete or refill the inner disk. Such a new association allows us to identify the main physical components responsible for the fast multiwavelength variability of highly accreting compact objects.


Critical role of hydrogen for superconductivity in nickelates


▲ 作者:Xiang Ding, Charles C. Tam, Xuelei Sui, Yan Zhao, Minghui Xu, Jaewon Choi, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

The newly discovered nickelate superconductors so far only exist in epitaxial thin films synthesized by a topotactic reaction with metal hydrides. This method changes the nickelates from the perovskite to an infinite-layer structure by deintercalation of apical oxygens. Such a chemical reaction may introduce hydrogen (H), influencing the physical properties of the end materials. Unfortunately, H is insensitive to most characterization techniques and is difficult to detect because of its light weight. Here, in optimally Sr dopedNd0.8Sr0.2NiO2Hepitaxial films, secondary-ion mass spectroscopy shows abundant H existing in the form ofNd0.8Sr0.2NiO2H (x≅0.2-0.5). Zero resistivity is found within a very narrow H-doping window of 0.22≤x≤0.28, showing unequivocally the critical role of H in superconductivity. Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering demonstrates the existence of itinerant interstitial s (IIS) orbitals originating from apical oxygen deintercalation. Density functional theory calculations show that electronegative H– occupies the apical oxygen sites annihilating IIS orbitals, reducing the IIS–Ni 3d orbital hybridization. This leads the electronic structure of H-dopedNd0.8Sr0.2NiO2Hxto be more two-dimensional-like, which might be relevant for the observed superconductivity. We highlight that H is an important ingredient for superconductivity in epitaxial infinite-layer nickelates.

材料科学Materials Science

Ladderphane copolymers for high-temperature capacitive

energy storage


▲ 作者:Jie Chen, Yao Zhou, Xingyi Huang, Chunyang Yu, Donglin Han, Ao Wang, et al.

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▲ 摘要:


研究组报道了一类Ladderphane共聚物,在高电场和高温下,其电导率比现有聚合物至少低一个数量级。结果表明,该Ladderphane共聚物在200℃时的放电能量密度为5.34 J cm−3,充放电效率为90%,优于现有的介电聚合物和复合材料。

Ladderphane共聚物通过π-π堆叠相互作用自组装成高度有序的阵列,从而获得了垂直平面方向1.96±0.06 W m−1K−1的本征热导率。共聚物薄膜的高导热性允许有效的焦耳散热,因此,在高温和高电场下具有优异的循环稳定性。


▲ Abstract:

For capacitive energy storage at elevated temperatures, dielectric polymers are required to integrate low electrical conduction with high thermal conductivity. The coexistence of these seemingly contradictory properties remains a persistent challenge for existing polymers. We describe here a class of ladderphane copolymers exhibiting more than one order of magnitude lower electrical conductivity than the existing polymers at high electric fields and elevated temperatures. Consequently, the ladderphane copolymer possesses a discharged energy density of 5.34?J?cm?3 with a charge–discharge efficiency of 90% at 200?°C, outperforming the existing dielectric polymers and composites. The ladderphane copolymers self-assemble into highly ordered arrays by π–π stacking interactions, thus giving rise to an intrinsic through-plane thermal conductivity of 1.96?±?0.06?W?m−1K−1. The high thermal conductivity of the copolymer film permits efficient Joule heat dissipation and, accordingly, excellent cyclic stability at elevated temperatures and high electric fields. The demonstration of the breakdown self-healing ability of the copolymer further suggests the promise of the ladderphane structures for high-energy-density polymer capacitors operating under extreme conditions.


Electrochemical reactor dictates site selectivity in N-heteroarene carboxylations


▲ 作者:Guo-Quan Sun, Peng Yu, Wen Zhang, Wei Zhang, Yi Wang, Li-Li Liao, et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Pyridines and related N-heteroarenes are commonly found in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and other biologically active compounds. Site-selective C–H functionalization would provide a direct way of making these medicinally active products. For example, nicotinic acid derivatives could be made by C–H carboxylation, but this remains an elusive transformation. Here we describe the development of an electrochemical strategy for the direct carboxylation of pyridines using CO2. The choice of the electrolysis setup gives rise to divergent site selectivity: a divided electrochemical cell leads to C5 carboxylation, whereas an undivided cell promotes C4 carboxylation. The undivided-cell reaction is proposed to operate through a paired-electrolysis mechanism, in which both cathodic and anodic events play critical roles in altering the site selectivity. Specifically, anodically generated iodine preferentially reacts with a key radical anion intermediate in the C4-carboxylation pathway through hydrogen-atom transfer, thus diverting the reaction selectivity by means of the Curtin–Hammett principle. The scope of the transformation was expanded to a wide range of N-heteroarenes, including bipyridines and terpyridines, pyrimidines, pyrazines and quinolines.

地球科学Earth Science

Primary N2–He gas field formation in intracratonic sedimentary basins


▲ 作者:Anran Cheng, Barbara Sherwood Lollar, Jon G. Gluyas & Chris J. Ballentine

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▲ Abstract:

Helium, nitrogen and hydrogen are continually generated within the deep continental crust. Conceptual degassing models for quiescent continental crust are dominated by an assumption that these gases are dissolved in water, and that vertical transport in shallower sedimentary systems is by diffusion within water-filled pore space. Gas-phase exsolution is crucial for concentrating helium and forming a societal resource. Here we show that crustal nitrogen from the crystalline basement alone—degassing at a steady state in proportion to crustal helium-4 generation—can reach sufficient concentrations at the base of some sedimentary basins to form a free gas phase. Using a gas diffusion model coupled with sedimentary basin evolution, we demonstrate, using a classic intracratonic sedimentary basin (Williston Basin, North America), that crustal nitrogen reaches saturation and forms a gas phase; in this basin, as early as about 140?million years ago. Helium partitions into this gas phase. This gas formation mechanism accounts for the observed primary nitrogen–helium gas discovered in the basal sedimentary lithology of this and other basins, predicts co-occurrence of crustal gas-phase hydrogen, and reduces the flux of helium into overlying strata by about 30?per cent because of phase solubility buffering. Identification of this gas phase formation mechanism provides a quantitative insight to assess the helium and hydrogen resource potential in similar intracontinental sedimentary basins found worldwide.

Oceanic climate changes threaten the sustainability of Asia’s water tower


▲ 作者:Qiang Zhang, Zexi Shen, Yadu Pokhrel, Daniel Farinotti, Vijay P. Singh, Chong-Yu Xu, et al.

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研究组使用拉格朗日粒子弥散模型和卫星观测,将2003-年间南部TP每月约1 Gt的TWS下降归因于来自北大西洋东南部的西风带降水-蒸发(PME)亏缺。HMA阻断了PME亏缺向中央TP的扩散,导致TWS每月增加约0.5 Gt。



▲ Abstract:

Water resources sustainability in High Mountain Asia (HMA) surrounding the Tibetan Plateau (TP)—known as Asia’s water tower—has triggered widespread concerns because HMA protects millions of people against water stress. However, the mechanisms behind the heterogeneous trends observed in terrestrial water storage (TWS) over the TP remain poorly understood. Here we use a Lagrangian particle dispersion model and satellite observations to attribute about 1?Gt of monthly TWS decline in the southern TP during 2003– to westerlies-carried deficit in precipitation minus evaporation (PME) from the southeast North Atlantic. We further show that HMA blocks the propagation of PME deficit into the central TP, causing a monthly TWS increase by about 0.5?Gt. Furthermore, warming-induced snow and glacial melt as well as drying-induced TWS depletion in HMA weaken the blocking of HMA’s mountains, causing persistent northward expansion of the TP’s TWS deficit since 2009. Future projections under two emissions scenarios verified by satellite observations during 2020– indicate that, by the end of the twenty-first century, up to 84% (for scenario SSP245) and 97% (for scenario SSP585) of the TP could be afflicted by TWS deficits. Our findings indicate a trajectory towards unsustainable water systems in HMA that could exacerbate downstream water stress.

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