

是的,工商者需要与外企进行交流。英语在什么地方东很重要。这应该是一个用英语战斗的时代:用英文获得专业最新信息;直接阅读英美主要杂志(非常难懂);用英语参与国际会议和谈判;用英语发表论文;用英语介绍中国产品(包括写说明书、广告词等)和中国文化;用英语进行国际政治、经济、商业和文化交流等等.那么如何做到这一步呢?下面是一些简单的建议:大学英语学习一:扩充英语单词 特别是六星级名词、动词、副词和形容词.Many people are sensitive to the odor of onions, and whenever they cut onions, the people's eyes secrete tears.(许多人对洋葱的气味很敏感,当他们切洋葱的时候,就会流眼泪/他们的眼睛就会分泌眼泪)Since the couple could not reconcile their differences, they decided to get a divorce.(由于这对夫妇之间的分歧无法得到和解,所以他们决定离婚.)Are you positive he's the man you saw yesterday?(你能确定他就是你昨天见到的那这人吗?)She said she didn't like it, but personally I thought it was very good.(她说她不喜欢这个,但我个人认为它非常好.)The present system is considerably more efficient than the old one.(现在的方法比旧方法有效的多.)Movement can be painful when you've hurt your back.(如果你的背受了伤,一动就会痛.)I noticed a sudden movement behind the curtain.(我发现幕布后面突然有动静.)He'd made a bad mistake, but tried to minimize its seriousness. (= treat it as if it were not serious)(他犯了一个很严重的错误,但他试图把它的严重性说成很小/却想办法缩小其严重性.)In most counties, the taxes that people pay are regulated by law. People pay a certain percentage of their income, and they also pay a certain percentage of tax on merchandise they buy.(在大多数国家,人们纳税是由法律所规定的.人们要交纳他们收入的一部分/一定百分比作为所得税,而且他们还要对所购买的商品交纳一定百分比的税/消费税.)He's very old, and his movements are getting slower and slower.(他年纪很大,动作越来越慢了.)大学英语学习二:扩充英语成语成语是一门语言的精华,是外语学习的"特大"难点!是英语听力、阅读和语法结构考试的"拦路虎"!是一个人英语学习走向成功的"最终障碍"!掌握成语,把中国成语转换成我们能用的得心应手的英语成语.凡是包含成语的句子在我们学习英语时,他们都是高级的、是可以称赞的点睛之笔.1 When my brother went to work in the U.S.A for a year the whole family went to see him off at the airport.(当我哥哥离家去美国工作一年的时候,我们全家去飞机场送行)2 Now listen to me, darling. I understand your feelings about John's looks and his personality but he has a good job and you are almost thirty. You can't turn down his proposal.(亲爱的,听我说,我理解你对约翰的长相和性格有看法,但他的工作不错,你也快三十了,你不能拒绝他的求婚.)3 Joe's wife wouldn't put up with his smoking in their house, so he had to smoke his cigarettes outside even in winter.大学英语学习三:提高"快速阅读理解能力"这也就是提高单英语单词量和各种英语句型的识别能力!如果你按照我们的方法进行操练,这种"快速阅读理解能力"是顺便获得的!因为我们主张"句子中心论"和"增加句子量而不是单词量",英语句子是由英语单词和句型这两个因素构成的,所以大量地收集和脱口而出句子,"英语单词"和"各种句型"将同时"深刻"掌握,英语阅读能力将获得大幅度提高.Commercial banks make most of their income from interest (which is ) earned on loans and investments in stocks and bonds.(商业银行大部分的收来自贷款利息及股票和债券投资所得)大学英语学习四:中英文自由转换的口译能力.遇到任何文章或教科书,第一个反映就是尝试是否能将上面的内容进行"英汉互译"!Many young people enjoy living in New York. There are always exciting things to do. They can go to the theater, to concerts, and to museums anytime. They also have a lot of friends, so they go to parties once or twice a week.(许多年轻人都喜欢住在纽约.那里总有令人激动的事情做.他们可以随时去剧院,音乐会和博物馆.他们也有很多朋友,所以他们每个星期都参加一二次聚会.),


Hot and sour soup 酸辣汤

Szechuan crispy aromatic duck 四川酥香鸭(与薄饼、黄瓜条、新鲜洋葱和海鲜酱一起食用)

(with pancakes cucumber spring onions and hoi sin sauce)

kung po prawns 宫爆大虾

chicken in chilli 辣子鸡

fried mixed vegetables 炸蔬荟萃

egg fried rice 蛋炒饭

a choice of either toffee apple or toffee banana 苹果味/香蕉味奶糖

C special Cantonese banquet 特色粤宴

Crispy platter 拼盘(春卷排骨和酸甜混沌)

(spring rolls spare ribs and sweet and sour wan ton )

chicken and noodle soup 鸡汤面条

beef with green pepper in black bean sauce 青椒酱牛肉

chicken with gashewnuts 腰果炖鸡

fried mixed vegetables 炸蔬荟萃

egg fried rice 蛋炒饭

a choice of either toffee apple or toffee banana 苹果味/香蕉味奶糖

D seafood banquet 海味餐

Fresh steamed scallops 清蒸扇贝

A choice of either

Braised lobster with ginger and spring onions 红烧龙虾/甜椒焖龙虾


Braised lobster with sweet pepper in black bean sauce

Spiced king prawns 美味大对虾

Sizzling squid with green pepper in black bean sauce 青椒炒鱿鱼

Deep fried scallops in a light batter (served with that sauce) 油炸扇贝(配酱)

Seasonal greens in oyster sauce 牡蛎酱

Prineapple fried rice 菠萝炒饭

E vegetarin banquet 素宴

Vegetarian combination platter 联合拼盘(炸蔬、豆腐、海菜、春卷、沙嗲蔬菜)

(deep fried mixed vegetables in batter spiced tofu ,vegetanrian seaweed

vegetarian spring rolls and satay mixed vegetables on skewers)

vegetarian lettuce wraps 清炒卷心菜

stir fried courgettes in black bean sauce 胡瓜汤

fried okra with a touch of chilli sauce 秋葵辣酱

stir fried three kinds of vegetables in sweet and sour sauce 熘蔬菜

a choice of either

mixed vegetables fried rice with diced tomatoes 蔬菜炒饭版伴土豆泥辣酱/炒面

with a dash of red chilli sauce


plain fried noodles

a choice of either toffee apple or toffee banana 苹果味/香蕉味奶糖










这是机器翻译..= = 有些不妥帖的地方你颠倒一下语序就读得懂了..


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